How did you become interested in coaching?
I had just graduated from Rapid Transformational Therapy, when they branched out and offered coaching training. They were only going to hire 12 of us. Thousands applied, the process took months as they evaluated all of us through workshops, videos and questionnaires. I made the final cut, had a live interview with the director and they hired me and 3 others to teach us this technique. We dove right into the training and I loved the concept and how this is so valuable for people. 5 weeks into the training – they abandoned the program. The four of us were devastated. What now? That’s when I received an invite to Eben Pagan’s Virtual Summit and became involved with his Virtual Coaching Program. I graduated and was excited to coach others.
What was the moment when you realized that you were supposed to be a coach and help others achieve success?
I was 10 years old and always knew that I was meant to help people in a way that they couldn’t help themselves. Sounds young? The situations that life handed me and continued to hand me were the teaching tools that I gained. I knew that the way my parents were neglecting and abusing us was not right and I vowed to never treat people the way they treated us. I worked paycheck to paycheck until I could break free from the 9 to 5 and invest in myself, learning skills and tools to help others. So here I am!
What is your favorite story about working with a client, and helping them have a breakthrough and get great results?
This client was tormented by anxiety and self sabotage. I worked with her to address the root cause of her anxiety, the pitfalls, eliminating destructive self beliefs and working on positive self beliefs and growth. I taught her the tools to use for momentum in transforming her life to one of achievements and self love. I worked with her closely, providing support, compassion and celebration for her journey. Today, she is thriving and living a healthy and happy life. She is confident in making better decisions. I am so proud of her!
What are the outcomes that you help clients get in their lives, that is tangible, measurable, and concrete?
My clients get overall Well-being, living healthier, accountability and gaining confidence and empowerment to make the right decisions for their life. They have a healthy self-esteem.
What are the outcomes that you help clients avoid in their lives, also tangible, measurable, and concrete?
My clients learn how to deal with negativity, procrastination, laziness, lack of motivation and self doubt.
What do your clients, co-workers and friends have to say about you?
I have been told by everyone close to me that I am going to soar because I naturally empower them and I have always been around people seeking my guidance. They love my motivation and dedication.